Adams, Caroline
The 'Australian Epidemic', Repetitive Strain Injury - 'A pain in the hand or worker hysteria?'
Anderson, Julie
Ball, Corinne
‘More hospital than poorhouse’: Adelaide’s Destitute Asylum 1850-1918
Barr, Philippa
"Public health in private: women in sanitation reform during the 1900 plague"
Bennett, Charlotte
New Zealand Children, Young People, and Emotions during the 1918 Influenza Epidemic
Bennett, Michael
Watkin Tench and the Doctors: Second Opinions on Smallpox in Sydney in 1789
Burnell, Sharon
Doctors in the death records (Loddon District, Victorian Goldfields 1854)
Byard, Roger
Title of presentation: Second Opinions – Answers from Forensic Science and Pathology
Carmody, Diana
Carmody, John
Cockrill, Pauline
Safe Haven? How South Australia became home to doctors who were Holocaust survivors
Collins, Julie
Angorichina Hostel for Tubercular Soldiers (1927-1973)
Cronin, Monica
Things aren’t always what they seem: Women in anaesthesia
Dash, Sandra
"Someone call the doctor! Wait! I don't have a phone: Burgeoning aspects of safety and quality in North Queensland healthcare 1910-1925.
Davis, Gayle
The Abortion Act, 1967: A Biography of an ‘Untouchable’ British Law
Dowling, Peter
Eastgate Brink, Emily
Amputations and Convalescence: Recuperating the Body in Manet’s Later Work
Efstathiadou, Anna
Falconer, Louise
(Lively) Deaths in the Archive
Fried, Ofra
Palliative Medicine Pioneers in Australia and New Zealand.
Gendek, Marilyn
Second Opinion on Images of Florence Nightingale on Stamps
Grehan, Madonna
Harford, Elizabeth
The Impact of Motor Vehicles on the work of Casualty Departments 1920s and 1930s
Healy, Jacqueline
150 years of caring: medical history museums communicating the past, present and future
Ing, Heidi
Colonel Light’s Consumptive Connections
Irving, Kate
Rehabilitating institutional histories: cripping schools for idiotic children
Irving, Kate & Panel
Better Together: Reconciling Clinicians and Academic Historians
Jefferies, Diana
Joven, Arnel
Spanish Colonial Medicine and the British Invasion of Manila, 1762-1764
Kippen, Rebecca
‘A new and formidable malady’: diphtheria in Tasmania, 1858–1930
Kohl, Samantha
Lamb, John
Beri-beri and Japanese doctors in Australia
Lancaster, Paul
Medical staff lost at sea in the 2/3 AHS Centaur
Lewis, Peter
A history of nursing in intellectual disability in Australia 1960 – 2016
Lush, Rebecca
Introducing Medical Students to Historical Research
Mackay, Jacinta
Whiteness in Nursing and Midwifery in Australia
Macpherson, Greg
Traditional drug use and empirical processes in Greco-Roman medicine.
Mahar, Caitlin
Histories of Euthanasia: A Second Opinion
Maxwell-Stewart, Hamish
Estimating the Size of the Tasmanian Pre-Contact Population
McDonald, Peter
Heaslip Bequest to a Medical School in SA to remedy deficiencies suffered during Medical Course 1924-29
Moncrieff, Alexia
Communicating the Wounds of War: How Dr Jack Bean Told His Parents He’d Been Shot
Moore, Alison
The Historical Gendering of Dementia
Morten, Helen
Food as medicine in New Zealand, 1930-1960
Orrell, Christopher
Reassessing the Place of the Medical Journal in the Construction of Medicine in Australian Colonies in the 19th Century
Philpott, Ross
Poisonous Prescribing in the Past Aka Pernicious Posology
Pollock, Neil
Discovery of early anaesthetic inhalational agents.
Pols, Hans
The Origins of Community Mental Health in Australia: Mental Health Professionals, Activists, and Consumers Developing Alternatives to Mental Hospital-based Services
Potter, Lesley
A rare and important document: the personal medical histories of Australian nurses while prisoners of war of the Japanese, World War 2
Robson, Charmaine
Nurses’ Memoirs as Windows to Epidemic Histories: the example of Hansen’s disease and Indigenous Australians in mid twentieth-century Northern Territory
Roberts-Thomson, Peter
William Everard and his "Prize" for the top graduating student of the Adelaide Medical School
Scarfe, Janet
Reading between the Lines in the Diaries of a World War 2 Army Nurse
Shanmugasundram, Sujatha
Evolution of nursing in India- past, present and future
Shields, Linda & Patterson, Lisa
Nurses’ involvement in wound care experiments at Ravensbrück Concentration Camp
Siegloff, Lesley
A history of the transition of nursing education - an insiders perspective.
Smart, Gemma
Mental health mutual support initiatives in Australia: two transformative communities in the 1970s-80s.
Storey, Cate
"Sister Kenny" versus the establishment: filling in the details of the Kenny Clinic at the Royal North Shore Hospital of Sydney 1936-1948
Tanturri, Alberto
Doctors’ dilemmas. Treatments for Cholera in Nineteenth Century Italy
Temple-Smith, Meredith
Sowing the Seeds for Syphilis Surveillance: The Melbourne Experiment 1910-1911
Varnava, Andrekos
Anti-Cancer Committees in Australia during the Inter-War Years
Westmore, Ann
Burnet's War on Cigarette Advertising
Wilkinson, Roger
The Elusive Chamber. A short history of the Left Atrium
Wilson, John
Urban-rural penalties revisited: Infant mortality and real wages in colonial Tasmania
Wolf, Gabrielle
Lessons From Refugee Doctors’ Defiance of Discrimination, 1937-50
Wood, Beverley
Australia's pioneer Dietitians. The first decades 1929 to 1950
Yeomans, Neville
The Anglophilic (Xenophobic) Medical Acts in Colonial Australia
Symposium - First Nations - Making History
Symposium - Reproductive Health in the 20th Century